School Council’s Out for Summer! Well, almost!

June 8th, 2016 – 6:30pm – Library We invite all parents and guardians to attend our final meeting of the year! Hear about our successes this year and what is coming up for next year. Thanks to all the parents, staff and senior administration this year for making it a great year for CPS School […]

Crestview 50th Anniversary

Crestview P.S., is celebrating its 50th anniversary in the fall. We are planning on taking a picture of all the students in the shape of a 50 on Friday June 17, 2017.  What we would like from you is if you could please send your child to school wearing either a red or white shirt […]

Reminder!  Please Come! Newcomers/Immigrants to Canada…

  Mom’s Group tomorrow at Crestview PS Thursday June 2, 2:00 to 3:00pm Rana the Arabic Speaking Interpreter will be here at Crestview from 2 to 3pm.

This Saturday, June 4th from 10 AM – 2PM

The Crestview Garden is expanding! This Saturday, we will be implementing a new garden design, and prepping our new beds for planting! Do you want to get involved? Come out and see us between 10 AM and 2 PM! Are you busy this Saturday but want to get involved with the garden over the summer? […]

Parent Involvement Committee is looking for new members!

The Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) invites parents/guardians of students currently enrolled in a WRDSB school and community members to apply for positions on the WRDSB Parent Involvement Committee. The mandate for the WRDSB Parent Involvement Committee is to: Provide information and advice on parent engagement to the Waterloo Region District School Board; Communicate with and support […]

Congratulations Crestview – Fort McMurray

Thanks to everyone who helped fundraise toward  helping the people in Fort McMurray.  We raised $773.70. Regards Crestview Public School

New to Canada for Mums – June 2

The second meeting for mums and familes new to Canada Group is meeting this Thursday from 2pm to 3pm Arabic and Albanian Interpreters will be present.  We will help register for summer programs. Thanks Brenda Wiegand

It’s Facebook Official

We are excited to announce that we have joined Facebook, the most popular social media network!

Please take a few moments to visit our page, look around and LIKE us:


Come join us on Facebook! Come join us on Facebook!

Read more about It’s Facebook Official »

Break a Rule Day – May 18th

“We’ve Got Your Back Fort Mac” You’ve heard the announcements, you’ve seen the posters…now it time to ACT! A final reminder Crestveiw Cougars Thursday May 19th Crestview school will be having a one day fundraiser for Fort McMurray. (This is in addition to the website donation link on our school’s website) The fundraiser is on […]

New mums to Canada Flyer in Arabic

MothersGroupflyer Arabic.doc

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